The Peirson

The Peirson

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Friday 14th March at 6:00pm at The Pierson. As a member of the JRCC we value your opinion and encourage you to join us for our 2025 AGM.

Please take the time to read these details in full.

For those of you who’ve never been to an AGM, an AGM is a formal meeting where all club members get together to vote on the direction of the club and other club matters, such as electing Officers of the Committee, and discussing changes to the club constitution. It’s important that we reach a quorum of 20% for the AGM to proceed and we would love to have everyone there if you can make it, as club decisions affect all members.

A buffet will be provided at the AGM so if you would like food, please RSVP at the link below so we have a rough idea of how much food to order. However, you don’t have to RSVP to attend the AGM itself.

After the meeting has ended we will be bestowing some prestigious Club Awards and having some social drinks etc so we encourage all to make a night of it and stick around if you can!

AGM 2024 Food

2 Going

Please see below for:

  • AGM Agenda
  • Procedure for nominations for Officers of the Club
  • Procedure for proposing changes to the Constitution
  • Procedure for any other business
  • Location & other important details

AGM Agenda 2025

  1. Apologies
  2. Adoption of Minutes 2024
  3. Chair’s Annual Report
  4. Treasurer’s Annual Report
  5. Election of Officers of the Committee
  6. Agree the membership fees for the year
  7. New MoonBoard sessions
  8. Address other relevant business

Nomination for Officers of the Committee

The Committee are volunteers, and they’re responsible for direction & management of the club.

There are 9 Committee positions to be filled:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Training Officer
  • Indoor Climbing Officer
  • Outdoor Climbing Officer
  • Gear Officer
  • Club House Officer
  • Social Secretary

Eleanor, Scott and Brendan will NOT be going for re-election to our committee this year so that means the positions of training Officer, MoonBoard Officer and Indoor Climbing Officer are in particular need of filling. Please consider putting yourself forward if you’re tempted by any of these!

If you would like to nominate yourself and believe you would be a good fit for one of these positions, please send an email to admin@jerseyrockclimbingclub.com.

Your email should include:

  1. The position you’re interested in.
  2. A personal statement explaining why you think you’ll be a good fit for this position & what you can bring to the Jersey Rock Climbing Club. This personal statement will be sent to members prior to the AGM for consideration.
    Please submit your nomination before 12 noon on the 28th of February.

Any Other Business

If there are any matters you wish for club members to discuss at the AGM, please send an email to admin@jerseyrockclimbingclub.com detailing what you’d like to be raised and voted on, and the committee will add it to the AGM agenda.

Please submit any matters to discuss before 12 noon on the 28th of February.

An agenda including nominations for Officers of the Committee, proposed changes to the Constitution, and any other matters will be sent to all members 7 days prior to the AGM for review. Voting will take place at the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The JRCC Committee



The Peirson, King Street, Saint Helier, Jersey