Outdoor Climbing

Outdoor Climbing

The extensive granite sea cliffs and diverse coastline here in Jersey offer fantastic climbing for beginners and experts alike. There are some easy to access non-tidal areas which are great places to learn all the way up to routes that require as much commitment in getting to the base of as it does to climb them, often with wild and exposed positions! Much of the best climbing is found in the North-West and South-West of the island – there are thousands of routes here to be climbed!



There are quite a few interesting bouldering areas in Jersey to have good fun on with just some climbing shoes and a mat. Most of the better bouldering areas require low tide and some areas are much more enjoyable in the summer months when the sun has had a chance to dry the rock. In the past, many climbers used bouldering as ‘training’ for the bigger climbs. Now, bouldering is a discipline in it’s own right – there is at least one club trip per year to Fontainebleau that is not to be missed!

Club Nights

Club Nights

Our club nights are every Wednesday 4pm(ish!) until dark. We meet at a different location each week which is posted up on our Facebook group in advance. It’s a beginner friendly night where members can climb outside with more experienced members on hand to help out. The outdoor club nights run from April – October.



As a club, we want to help people develop to become better, safer climbers and gain the knowledge, skills and experience to be able to contribute to the club as a helper or leader.

In 2018 we hosted a popular and successful Sea Cliff and Improvised Rescue Workshop and in 2019, a club-run Top Rope Anchors Course.

Both of these courses are returning for 2020 and you can view more information on our Events page.