Junior Membership Junior Membership If you have applied online before and already have an account, please Login first. You will be returned to this page to complete your application. Membership Info Membership Type Junior Membership Membership Price £25 for access until 31/12/2025 Personal Info First Name* First Name is required. Last Name* Last Name is required. Date of Birth* Date of birth is required. Contact Info Address 1* Address 1 is required. Address 2 Address 2 is not valid. Address 3 Address 3 is not valid. Town* Town is required. Country* Country is required. Post Code* Post code is required. Home Phone Home phone is not valid. Mobile Phone* Mobile phone is required. Emergency Info Emergency Parent/Guardian Name* Emergency parent/guardian name is required. Emergency Parent/Guardian Phone* Emergency parent/guardian phone is required. Parent/Guardian Consent* I am under 18 and have the consent of my parent/guardian. Parent/guardian consent is required. Declaration JRCC Participation Statement* I hereby apply for membership of the Jersey Rock Climbing Club. I acknowledge the receipt of the Club Constitution and Rules and being in sympathy with the aims and spirit of the club I agree to abide by them. Jrcc participation statement is required. BMC Participation Statement* I understand that hill walking, climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. I am aware of and accept these risks and I accept that I am responsible for my own actions and involvement. Bmc participation statement is required. Privacy Statement Here at The Jersey Rock Climbing Club we take the privacy of our members data seriously and will only use your personal information for club administration purposes and for communicating with you about your membership. Only the Club Secretary and Treasurer will be able to access your details. More information about how we look after your data can be found at https://jerseyrockclimbingclub.com/privacy.As a BMC-affiliated club we will provide your name, contact details and date of birth to the BMC to administer your membership of the BMC including your combined liability insurance cover. The BMC will use your data to communicate with you about your membership. The BMC will contact you to invite you to create a 'Member Profile' which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings. More information about how the BMC uses data can be found at http://www.thebmc.co.uk/privacy.We will never share or sell your data without your prior permission. Preferences Newsletter Tick if you would like to receive club updates via email. Login Details Email* Invalid email. Choose Password* Invalid password. Repeat Password* Your password don't match. Password Strength Password must be "Medium" or stronger Payment Method PayPal Bank Transfer Cash / Cheque Pay via your PayPal account Payment details will be provided once you submit your application. Payment details will be provided once you submit your application. No val Please go back and correct the errors above.