Want to start climbing in Jersey?

Want to start climbing in Jersey?

That’s great! You don’t need any experience to get involved.

Whether you choose to join us indoors or outdoors, membership starts from £10 and we will have club members on hand to help you get going and provide all the equipment you need to start you off.

If you’re interested in climbing indoors, take a look at our Indoor Events to see if we have any sessions coming up (mostly winter).

If you want to join us outdoors, check out our Outdoor Events and join our Discord for more info on when and where we’re climbing (mostly summer).

Try Indoor Climbing

Try Indoor Climbing

During the winter, we have beginner-friendly ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ sessions twice a week at 6pm at Langford Sports Centre. Details of the sessions are posted weekly on our events page, where you can buy tickets to secure a space.

Join Us Outdoors

Join Us Outdoors

During the Summer, we have club meet-ups where new members are welcome to join us outdoors. We suggest joining our Discord where we can provide more information about where and when we are climbing each week.